Call for Multi-Disciplinary Artists—Mixed Company Theatre’s Emerging Artist Program

Are you a multi-disciplinary artist looking to develop and create a collective creation with a professional theatre company? We are interested in using an artistic lens to dissect the boomerang phenomenon as well as other issues facing Generation Y’s ability to succeed. Project Boomerang—MCT’s first Emerging Arts Program will be investigating some of the following questions:

• Are today’s post-grads expectations unrealistic?
• Where is the line between paying your dues and being exploited?
• Are these young adults lazy and ungrateful?
• Is staying or returning home a sign of failure?
• Does a degree hold any weight in the search for employment?

MCT is looking to cast 8-10 artists. There will be an honorarium for all participants. Artist must be able to commit to the following:

Rehearsals –Will take place at Mixed Company Theatre once a week from 6:00-9:00PM, Sept 3rd to Jan 31st, 2013.
Public Reading—Thurs, Nov 28th 2013.
Gala Performance—Perform in a showcase at the MCT Gala, date TBD, the week of Dec 3rd-7th, 2013.
Workshop Performance—A workshop performance during the week of Jan 26th-Feb 1st, 2014.
Festival Submission—There will be a post mortem in Feb 2014, at which point MCT will look into the possibility of participating in festivals.

Additional rehearsals will be expected during the week of the Reading, Gala and Workshop Performance. Please do not submit if you are unable to commit to these dates.

Audition/Interview Information
We are looking for versatile artists who are interested in developing a collective creation. We are looking for artists who have experience in: Writing, performing, directing, producing, designing, stage managing, dance, video, multimedia, or music.

Please come prepared with a 5 min piece that showcases your artistic abilities and talents. It could be a monologue, poem, movement piece, song, or sample of your writing —something that highlights your creativity! Do not feel bound by our description; we encourage all artists who are looking to work collectively to apply.

Please send a photo and resume to Those selected will be contacted for an audition/interview which will take place during the week of August 19th 2013.
Submissions close Aug 9th, 2013.

Life Gets in the Way, a First Impression by Carli Fink

Life Gets in the Way RehearsalBeing brand new to MCT, I had no concept of what to expect when walking into Tuesday morning’s rehearsal for Life Gets in the Way. My first observation was the people around me: two MCT staff, a very tall musician, and six senior citizens already joking with one another.

I quickly learned that Rex Deverell, a Chalmers award winning playwright, wrote the show and five senior performers plus MCT’s Artistic Project Manager starred in the show. While helping to set up, I caught them doing warm-ups and running line drills; their jokes made me chuckle, and their eagerness inspired me. Each was so friendly towards me, the newcomer, and seemed so comfortable with the many characters they portrayed.

The show itself is a collection of scenes conveying different elements of life as an older adult, and it begins and ends with the titular song “Life Gets in the Way” which has stuck in my head since first listen. Life Gets in the Way provides a forum for discussing the issues facing senior communities, including memory loss, technological difficulties, and institutionalization among others.

My two days in rehearsal were filled with laughter and learning, an interest in Mixed Company Theatre and its work come alive in a celebration of seniority. The people I’ve met thus far are nothing short of wonderful – welcoming, talented, and engaging – and I can’t wait to see what they do next. I trust they will continue to dispel the myths surrounding old age. Until then, I’ll keep humming “Life Gets in the Way.”

Carli Fink is a volunteer at Mixed Company Theatre and is currently completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Queen’s University. 

Showdown 2.0 – Dweepesh’s Intro to MCT

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A scene from Showdown 2.0
Photo by Erin McCluskey. From Left to Right: Michelle Nash, Tayves Fiddis & Michelle Jedrzejewski.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself – I am Dweepesh, co-op MBA candidate at the DeGroote School of Business in McMaster University. I have recently joined MCT as a Marketing Communications Specialist for the summer 2013 co-op term.

While watching my first theatre show presented by Mixed Company Theatre, I realized why I wanted to work here. I have enjoyed theatre over the years, but none like the one I experienced on Wednesday. The first act of SHOWDOWN 2.0 was about the worst case scenario of bullying in high school, especially through the use of social media. While watching I could sense the nervousness inside me because of the issues that were raised. I felt the actors portrayed the scenarios very realistically.

The second act was something I could have never imagined. The ‘joker’, or the facilitator, asked the audience to be involved in scenes they felt they’d like to change, and to pick a character in the scene they would want to replace. I was surprised by the enthusiastic response of the middle school kids, who volunteered to get up and intervene in the play. I noticed how many wanted to become the oppressor and change the way the bully treated others. Going up in front of their peers was a very brave step. The audience participants really influenced me, and if I was called up on the stage, I would have probably liked to replace a bystander and try my own ways of standing up against the bully.

Thank you MCT for this wonderful opportunity and I look forward to a successful term!