A design announcing Mixed Company Theatre's $40K for 40 campaign.
Progress made on our $40K for 40 Campaign!93%

Help us raise $40K for 40 years!

Mixed Company Theatre is celebrating 40 years of educating, engaging and empowering audiences and communities through the art of Forum Theatre with our $40K for 40 Fundraising Campaign. Funds raised will support MCT’s impactful work creating social change through Forum Theatre catalyzing our next chapter!

MCT’s Board of Directors and stakeholders have come together to create a fund that will match all public donations up to $20,000 CAD. Donate today to have the impact of your donation doubled!

We are seeking donations to support programming for our upcoming season, which you can read about in our season preview:

Some highlights of our upcoming season include:

  • “ON Indigenous Land”, in partnership with CultureLink, will see MCT facilitate workshops and develop a Forum Theatre script aimed at fostering meaningful connections between youth from racialized communities and Indigenous Peoples. 
  • Translating our virtual Forum Theatre presentation “I Carry with Me” to an in-person delivery to perform for the public, catalyzing change on racism and privilege. 
  • Delivering customizable Forum Theatre workshops and presentations to schools, universities, community organizations, and workplaces on social justice, equity, and mental health topics. 
  • And other projects currently in development to be announced soon!

In celebration of 40 years, we are asking our community to donate multiples of 40 to help us kick start the next 40 years of creating theatre for change. No matter if you’re able to donate $40, $400 or even $4000 every donation has a direct impact on MCT’s grassroots programming with our local communities.

How to Donate

For any donation over $25 you will receive a charitable donation tax receipt. Mixed Company Theatre (legal name Maple Leaf Theatre for Social Responsibility) is a registered charity – our registered charitable number is 11903 1870 RR0001.


To support our matching donation campaign, click the button to donate through our GoFundMe campaign.

Canada Helps

Click the button to donate through our Canada Helps page – including an option to set up a monthly contribution!

Email Money Transfer

EMT donations can be made through your financial institution.

Please send e transfers to info@mixedcompanytheatre.com.


Please email us for instructions to donate by cheque.

Please make your cheque payable to “Mixed Company Theatre”.

In Kind: We have also received countless business and individual in-kind donations; from silent auction prizes, catering staff and services, to rentals and production equipment. This does not even include the hundreds of artists, volunteers and performers who have donated their time and craft to Mixed Company Theatre’s worthwhile cause. To make in-kind donations of services and equipment to support our programming, contact us using one of the methods listed at the end of this page.

Our Work

A woman smiling onstage with her arm stretched up. A couple people are in the background out of focus.
Photo of Spring Moon by Dahlia Katz

Mixed Company Theatre uses theatre as a tool to educate, engage, and empower people in schools, communities, and workplaces. In the 80s, Artistic Director Simon Malbogat trained with activist, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and founder of Theatre of the Oppressed/Forum Theatre, Augusto Boal. MCT went on to develop Canada’s first Forum Theatre works in collaboration with Toronto’s communities. In 1991, Augusto appointed MCT as the first official Forum Theatre Centre in Canada.

Theatre of the Oppressed and Forum Theatre are recognized by UNESCO as powerful tools for community dialogue and social change. MCT’s projects have spotlighted issues of mental health, inter-generational relationship building, sexuality (including STI and HIV under the City of Toronto’s Public Health), sexual consent, bullying, and racism, to name a few. MCT has toured extensively in Canada as well as internationally, facilitating Forum Theatre projects from Helsinki to Kiev, Istanbul to Rio de Janeiro.


years in operation

Forum Theatre and Community Arts projects

community members impacted

Your donation enables MCT to develop theatre-based programs that give voice to community experiences and catalyze grassroots strategies to address important social justice, equity, and mental health challenges. 

Thank you for supporting Mixed Company Theatre’s innovative, interactive, and impactful programs to foster positive social change! 

Contact Us

To learn more about donating to Mixed Company Theatre, please contact us using one of the methods listed below: