Mixed Company Theatre uses Forum Theatre and interactive arts to educate, engage, and empower audiences in schools, communities and workplaces.

Forum Theatre is an interactive approach that involves the audience in developing real-time strategies for dealing with social issues.

Letter from MCT’s Artistic Director

To our valued community members, supporters, and associates,

We are grateful to be completing another successful season, using theatre to catalyze impactful change in diverse communities across Ontario. This season our programs engaged groups in topics such as: supporting loved ones through life-threatening illness, supporting the mental health of older adults, challenges faced by Arab newcomers, LGBTQ+ inclusion and acceptance, and consent, among others.

As we are in our 40th year of operations until the end of 2024, we have been reflecting on the needs of the communities we serve and the path MCT will take as we catalyze our next 40 years of empowering social change.

Our first production in 1983, “Life on the Line” was written by co-founders of MCT, Steven Bush and Allen Booth. Since then, MCT has served various communities locally, nationally and internationally. From the unforgettable Ripple Effect Festival where 450 delegates from 25 countries facilitated workshops, performed, and participated in impactful programming. Our longest running program was using theatre to engage and empower homeless youth and adult communities in the GTA. Our acclaimed production about bullying, “Showdown” by Luciano Iogna was seen by over 400,000 people worldwide.

MCT continues to adapt. We survived the pandemic by creating our brand of Virtual Forum Theatre bringing artists and Forum Theatre to communities through lockdowns and now to rural, and Canada-wide, audiences.

We are thrilled to announce our new season of programming and projects that are in development for 2024-25 to continue building on this incredible legacy. You can read about these projects in our Season Preview.

To support this upcoming season, we have launched our $40K for 40 years fundraising campaign to last through the remainder of 2024. We are asking for your support in reaching this goal – any amount helps us to continue our creative work empowering communities to make positive change in their lives. You can learn more and donate to the campaign here.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us by attending performances, donating to MCT (a non-profit registered charity), partnering on productions, participating in workshops, creating and facilitating projects with us, working on our administrative team, and much more. Your support is invaluable and appreciated by our team and the communities we serve. Help us continue in our mission to educate, engage, and empower communities in building a more positive future for all.

Simon Malbogat,
Artistic Director

MCT News & Upcoming Projects

Remembering Luciano Iogna

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mixed Company Theatre artist and friend Luciano Iogna.

Click the button below to read our full tribute to Luciano.

Luciano Iogna staring forward.

Forum Theatre Youth Incubator

Mixed Company Theatre will pilot a brand-new initiative “The MCT Forum Theatre Youth Incubator” in partnership with the YMCA of Greater Toronto. This project will support newcomer youth to develop stronger social, emotional and leadership skills while learning the foundations of Forum Theatre and Theatre of the Oppressed.

Remembering Brian Hutchison

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mixed Company Theatre Board Member and friend, Brian Hutchison.

Click the button below to read our full tribute to Brian.

Help us raise $40K for 40 years!

Mixed Company Theatre is celebrating 40 years of educating, engaging and empowering audiences and communities through the art of Forum Theatre with our $40K for 40 Fundraising Campaign. Funds raised will support MCT’s impactful work creating social change through Forum Theatre catalyzing our next chapter!

Previewing our 2024-25 Season!

We are excited to announce projects that are in development and/or planned to take place during our upcoming season!

Click the button below to read what we will be working on in the 2024-25 season.

Harvest Justice for Migrant Workers

We are partnering with the Collaborative Network to End Exploitation on a project using interactive theatre to catalyze change for Migrant Workers in Canada.

Click the button below to learn more about this project:

Remembering David Fennario

Mixed Company Theatre is saddened to learn of the passing of renowned artist David Fennario.

MCT released a statement with memories from Artistic Director Simon Malbogat about working with David. Click the button below to read the statement.

Book an Education Program

We facilitate interactive and impactful programming to fulfill educational requirements and address challenges students and educators are facing.

Book a Community Program

We facilitate workshops, presentations, and larger projects engaging community members in fun sessions to catalyze actionable change on challenges they are facing.

Book a Workplace Program

We perform and facilitate interactive and engaging workshops in workplaces. Using Forum Theatre techniques, we have helped transform employee groups and catalyze change in workplace dynamics.