Ending the Silence
During the Spring and Summer of 2020, Mixed Company Theatre partnered with Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW) and the Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women (EHCW) on Ending the Silence, which was generously supported by the Catherine Donnelly Foundation. This presentation used Forum Theatre and collaborative art-making to promote learning, dialogue, and healing among newcomer/refugee/non-status women who identify as survivors of violence.
Together, we endeavoured to create a safe, accessible and creative space for survivors to speak up against violence, find solutions to respond to it, and build leadership to support other survivors using arts-based teaching and learning techniques.
A series of theatre-based workshops with new Canadian women at both NEW and EHCW culminated in a community-facing Forum Theatre performance, where the audience had the opportunity to demonstrate positive action to change the balance of power and mitigate violence against women in their community.
Stand Up Women 2020
On October 1st, 2020, Mixed Company Theatre co-hosted Stand Up Women 2020 with Newcomer Women’s Services Toronto (NEW)! The event included a celebration of the graduates of their Sister2Sister (S2S) program, a special performance of Ending the Silence, a Forum Theatre presentation created with S2S participants and Mixed Company, a keynote address by Gina Cody, and a raffle draw.