Take a look at the list of our diverse clients and the type of workshop we created in collaboration with our partners:

Leadership & Management
Canadian Labour Congress
Certified Management Accountants (Alberta)
Health Leadership Institute
Inter-Professional Educators (University of Toronto)
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Ontario Hospital Association
Ontario Nurses’ Organization
Ontario Public Services Employees Union (OPSEU)
Toronto Dominion Bank
Women’s College Hospital

Amnesty International
City of Toronto
Department of Family and Community Medicine (University of Toronto)
Ontario Ministry of Health
Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre (PARC)
St. Stephen’s Community House
Toronto District School Board
Toronto Catholic District School Board
Toronto People with AIDS Foundation

Conflict Resolution
Bell Cairn Staff Development Centre
Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
Toronto Police Service
Toronto Police Services Board

Harassment/Implementation of Bill 168
Canadian Automobile Workers Union of Canada (CAW)
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
Johnson and Johnson Medical Products
Sheridan College
Toronto Hydro

Canadian Red Cross
Ontario Ministry of Culture – Tourism and Recreation
Universities: Guelph, McMaster, Queen’s, Ryerson, University of Toronto, & York

Human Resources & Career Development
Cooper Lighting Industries
NATCON – Career Counseling
Toronto Community Housing Corporation

Sales Training
Vernon Technologies