Since wrapping up rehearsals for Life Gets in the Way, Mixed Company Theatre has kept me busy. Every day I’m here entails something different. I contribute wherever I can, involving myself in a little bit of everything over my few weeks. I’ve been part of discussions regarding the upcoming season, project plans, and marketing strategy; I’ve gained some insight into everything I set out to in my initial goals, including understanding the steps of project management from ideation to execution.
It has been especially interesting for me to witness the workings of a small administrative team, and how so few people are able to juggle so many responsibilities. Developing new material, determining logistics, contacting artists and audiences, and distributing information are part of every person’s daily work.
My three weeks here have been full of laughter and learning, a glance into the world of MCT and arts administration at large. I have enjoyed spending time in the rehearsal and office spaces, and soaking up the processes of these people and this organization. Until next time, thank you!
Carli Fink is a volunteer at Mixed Company Theatre and is currently completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Queen’s University.
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