Elder Care Workshops
Mixed Company Theatre, with the support of the Government of Ontario Senior Community Grant Program, is bringing our popular community-based workshops to seniors across the GTA this fall and winter. Our Elder Care Workshops seek to empower senior citizens and address the pressing issue of elder abuse in our communities. In these workshops, participants will be led through a series of exercises and activities developed from Theatre of the Oppressed/ Forum Theatre methodology that will provide seniors with the tools to express and address issues relating to elder care and abuse. The Elder Care program is also designed to address diverse groups of seniors, including newcomer/refugee groups.
During the workshop, seniors will:
- Acquire the communication tools to identify and share elder abuse/care experiences while participating in facilitated confidence-boosting ice breakers and trust games.
- Safely explore and build actionable solutions to the pressing challenges they face through the creation of image-based theatre scenes.
- Receive information and resources on elder care and abuse.
Time: 2-3 hours (negotiable)
No. of Participants: 15 to 30 (negotiable)
Methodology: Image-based and storytelling theatre exercises, conversation circles
Space requirement: An open space for active movement
Materials: Flip charts, pens, markers
Administrative Fees: $85+HST
Workshops will be conducted in English and an interpreter can be engaged if required.