Luciano Iogna staring forward.

It is with very heavy hearts that we announce the passing of long-time associate artist and friend Luciano Iogna.  

Luciano was an expert facilitator, playwright, director, and actor whose talent elevated many of MCT’s projects over the years. From developing shows with the homeless community in Toronto through our “Cobblestone” initiative, to writing successful school shows like “Showdown” which toured for 10 years and was seen by over 350,000 students and educators, his work catalyzed ripple effects of change across Canada and internationally.  

Most recently with MCT, Luciano performed in our anti-racism show “I Carry with Me” as “AL”, and in “Two-Sided Mirror” as “JIM”.  

Luciano was keen to help the next generation of artists learn how to use theatre as a tool for social change. He regularly facilitated Forum Theatre training workshops and shared his knowledge with artists who worked with him. He brought MCT’s brand of FT to various communities in South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. 

In all aspects of his work and life, Luciano led with compassion and a desire to make this world a better place. He passionately believed in the power of theatre to catalyze transformative change for communities in need.  

Luciano was a beloved member of our MCT community whose loss is felt deeply. We wish him peace and are grateful for the ways he positively impacted our work and community. 

We send our heartfelt condolences to Luciano’s family and friends. There will be a celebration of life for Luciano, with more details to come soon.

Top right corner photo in the grid by Aaron D’souza; Second photo from the left in the bottom row by Roz Fanaieyan.