Project Description
Through Mixed Company Theatre’s Artists In The Library residency at Scarborough Civic Centre, we facilitated safe and creative spaces for members of this vibrant and diverse community to form connections with each other, find solutions to common challenges, and create knowledge using interactive arts and theatre. Through the powerful experience of artistic mediums like movement maps, forum theatre, improv, creative writing, storytelling, and puppet arts, the community discovered deep connections they share with their individual and communal identities. The project brought neighbourhood residents together to connect with each other, while discovering their neighbourhood’s diversity, uniqueness, resilience, and human connections that go beyond identity intersections.
Workshops Conducted – Sept-Nov 2019
Creating Knowledge through Stories | Designed for Seniors
Build connections with your community while learning about interactive arts and theatre with Forum Theatre artist, Simon Malbogat. Explore solutions to the challenges you face with theatre games and activities while creating and sharing knowledge in the process. No theatre experience necessary.
Performing our Story | Designed for Adults (16+)
Tell your story through creative writing and movement in this workshop series led by, Julia Hune-Brown. Improve your writing and performance skills, English language learners are welcome! You will engage in theatre movement activities, and learn to use simple storytelling and writing techniques to craft a performance! No Experience Required.
Storytelling with Multimedia | Designed for Teens
Explore spontaneous, unscripted theatre, with Pavla Uppal on Thursdays and Erica May-Wood on Saturdays. Work on your ability to communicate with others beyond differences and leave behind any inhibitions in this fun, safe space where you can be yourself. Learn how to create theatre from anything. No props, set, or experience needed! Creation just needs community!
Cultural Explorations with Stories | Designed for All Ages
Use movement and memory as a means of expression while meeting the community that surrounds you. Led by professional storyteller, Rubena Sinha, this program will take you on a journey through different parts of the world while you listen to and tell unique stories, poetry, and tales from cultures that make up our diverse neighbourhood! No Experience Required.